Wednesday 6 February 2008

WEDNESDAY 6TH FEBRUARY - Cornwall's tortoises crisis!

Tortoises come out of their shell

A Cornish tortoise sanctuary is struggling to cope after hundreds of its residents were coming out of hibernation early by the mild winter.
More than 400 tortoises are up and about a month before.
Staff at the Tortoise Garden in St Austell had not expected to see the animals until next month.
The garden’s owner said: “To hibernate properly they need to be under 6C. Above that and they start waking up and using energy. It’s energy they can’t spare because they don’t have the body weight, so we have to keep them warm with the infra red lamps.

Mild winter convinces wildlife spring has lready started.

“They can’t go back to sleep because they would die. If they are not warm enough they will not eat or drink. So they are up and about now for the year. It’s definitely the earliest they’ve ever been awake. Most of them were still awake in mid-December because it was so mild.”

The sanctuary is home to 450 tortoises, many of which were “orphaned” after outliving their owners. The oldest, a female called Toto, is now at least 108.

“Our policy here is not to rehome - every one which comes in will stay with us. Many older people have placed them with us because they have gone into sheltered accommodation, but they don’t have to give them up completely because they can come and visit.”
I have never visited this "attraction" but it is not so far away so now I am very tempted.


Jo said...

“They can’t go back to sleep because they would die. If they are not warm enough they will not eat or drink. So they are up and about now for the year. It’s definitely the earliest they’ve ever been awake. Most of them were still awake in mid-December because it was so mild.”

I love this. It sounds a bit like my life. :-)

Claire said...

I just thought this was such a quaint little tale. I don't think tortoises get enough press coverage really but I guess that's because in general they keep a low profile.

Liz Hinds said...

Plants get confused by the weather too!

Poor tortoises.

Liz Hinds said...

By the way, I loved The Kite Runner (I had the next book by the author for Christmas but haven't read it yet) and I loved the book of Shipping News but wasn't so keen on the film.

Claire said...

Liz:The film is on here haven't decided whether I will see it or not. As for plants being confused tell that to my daffs!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Poor little tortoises. No wonder they are confused by climate change. Do visit if you can, kissa, and then tell us all about it!

Leslie: said...

Poor tortoises! I hope they can be kept alive as so many animals these days are being threatened by climate change.

Chris Benjamin said...

i'd like to see the kite runner movie. i liked the book a lot but i'm not so attached to it that a movie version would ruin it for me.

i hope the tortoises get through it ok. sounds like me when my cat wakes me at 5 am.

Claire said...

Leslie: just another climate change story I suppose there do seem to be plenty around.

Benjibopper:I have heard that the film does not ruin the book infact it sounds as if it might even enhance it. It was at the cinemas here but already seems to have moved on I guess I could always hire it.

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Poor little animals. My husband says that I die when I go to sleep. I have been known to miss a whole day once.