Friday 22 February 2008

FRIDAY 18TH FEBRUARY - branches entwined

A tree does not move unless there is wind.- Afghan Proverb

It is impossible to have a tree this beautiful in which the wind hasn't played a part.


Evalinn said...

Nice! :-)

Leslie: said...

I took a photo of a tree like this when in England 2006 - I think I posted it a long time ago. I love the intracacies of the bare stark branches. :D

Jo said...

That's gorgeous. The other night I watched the total eclipse of the moon, through the branches of a tree like this. It was so beautiful.

Chris Benjamin said...

i've been thinking about wind a lot lately myself, writing a story about a hurricane's aftermath. how insane are we to think we can control outcomes in face of such forces as air?

Pam said...

Great photo. Imagine trying to draw something that intricate.

Claire said...

evalinn: It is!
leslie: I am fascinated by the shapes too.
josie: The total eclipse here was at 4 a.m. so I slept through it but the full moon is very gorgeous anyway.
benjibopper: The forces of Nature make us realise how man made anything just is no competition.
Isabelle:I couldn't draw it so the camera did the work.

Anonymous said...

just did a pop-art re-do of this image to see it go to:

nice BTW.

Rob Windstrel Watson said...

Lovely shapes in the branches.

They remind me of some trees that are above Horner on Exmoor.

The branches are almost a metaphor for the twists and turns of life :-)

Claire said...

matt: just been and looked at your pop-art version of the photo rather fine.
rob hopcott: Thanks for your comments. Horner. I think I walked through there once.