Monday, 19 January 2009


I am trying to continue the self improvement regime I have set myself so here is the latest report.

On Tuesday I thought about another mutual colleague that the lady I 'phoned last week had mentioned. Daphne was the deputy head of my second school and to hear that she is nearly 80 and riddled with arthritis made me think about then happy times when I was a new girl at the school. enabled me to locate her number so I gave her a call and she was so pleased to have a chat. She remembered me and we laughed about some shared memories.

I went to the AMNESTY meeting. There were some very interesting topics covered and I signed a letter asking for release of an anthropologist being held without charge in Guatamala. I also took two info pages about two men who have disappeared one in Nepal and one in Gambia. I have sent postcards of support to people closely associated with these men.

When I went for a walk through the village I said 'hello' to a lady walking her dog and also to an old boy leaning on a wall! Two people I have never seen before and this isn't a very big village I wonder where they came from?!

Not one of these things took very long and they have got to be worthwhile. I feel good for having actually done these things rather than just thinking about them.

Then yesterday after a terrific storm over night on Saturday we went to Watergate Bay and watched two proficient Kite Surfers at Watergate Bay, Awesome!!



Veronica said...

Hi Kissa! I like your blog and have enjoyed reading through your posts. I have sailed on the Fal and once anchored for lunch at the mouth of Ruan creek - it was low tide so could not make the old harbour which was a shame. But your photos show it to be as charming as I had imagined it would be, so one day.... I will be back to your blog, many times I'm sure. Warm wishes to you, Veronica xx

Claire said...

Veronica: Hi and welcome! Nice to hear that you have been to my very beautiful part of the world. We used to live in Suffolk many moons ago, first in Leiston and then we bought our first little house in Stowmarket.We came back for a few days 18 months ago and were reminded how delightful rural Suffolk is. Love Claire x

Veronica said...

Hi again Claire... the world gets even smaller!! And just to add to that comment, we have been to Finland many times and have good close friends over there. In fact, my husband's best man at our wedding is Finnish... we were fortunate that quite a few of our Finnish friends came over to Suffolk for our wedding. Just by reading a blog and even though we are so far away from each other, we still have so much in common.
Love to you, Veronica xx