Tuesday, 22 July 2008

TUESDAY 22ND JULY - Two excitements!

Last evening I went with P to his leaving evening. He is moving on after 12 years in his present job so there was a party for him and quite a few presentations and many, many thank yous too. It was so lovely to see how well he had done in this job and how many people will miss him as he moves on. I felt so very proud. Now that was one evening of excitement.

On Thursday we are going to Edinburgh for a few days. This is to go and see our favourite rock band who any regular readers will know is the fabulous Scottish band known as RUNRIG. All their concerts are fantastic but this one should be fantastic x 100 as it is live from Edinburgh Castle esplanade on SATURDAY 26TH in the evening. Now that is excitement number two.


Leslie: said...

Congrats to P and happy to hear all is well. Have a fab time in Edinburgh at the concert. I am SO jealous! ;)

mountainear said...

Hope you are having the time of your lives - enjoy the concert. What a fantastic setting. Tell us all about it when you get back.

....may I tag you too? 6 random things about yourself...

Wedding Bagpiper Hire Ireland said...

Hello Kissa, just noticed we're the only two out of the tens of thousands who said we like the whistlebinkies!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Have a great time!

Claire said...

leslie:Edin was great see latest post.
mountainear:Oh to be tagged - yes of course.
wedding bagpiper:Some bands just don't have the fan base they deserve w'binkies being one?! Nice to meet you.
welshcakes:back now see todays post.