Monday 17 March 2008


I cast my eye across the valley this morning enjoying this view which changes each day. The gorse bush which you can see - if you look very hard - in the left hand side half way up is out now. The buds of Spring have not burst forth but it will be a glorious shade of green which will cover the valley.

I lifted my library books out of the bag and placed them in a pile to enjoy the thought of what lies behind the covers of each and every one. There are so many books to read and just not enough time.

I also ate marmite on toast, had four different people call by for cups of tea and chat, made phone calls and many other things happened but these events were not logged on the camera as there has to be something for the imagination to work on!
I had a good Monday and hope you did too.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

It sounds like you had a very pleasant one and I love your description of it. That first photo is beautiful.

mountainear said...

My Monday was just fine, thank you.

Quite agree about looking at a stack of books and anticipating the pleasures and adventures held withing the covers. Hope you enjoy.

Chris Benjamin said...

looks like some good reading ahead. i got 3 books on the go right now, one kinda philosophy, one fiction, and one very practical. so much info out there, so many stories.

Claire said...

welshcakes:I have a good view from my window that is just one direction I am sure I will post more in the future.
mountainear:I am half way through the one about Kazakhstan and am learning so much about a country of which I knew so little.
benjibopper:So much out there just never enough time.

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Do you know I have never tasted Marmite. Have I missed out on something fantastic?

Pam said...

No, MMQC, Marmite is horrible! Though it's clearly a matter of taste.

The gorse bushes are pretty, though.

Leslie: said...

My friend in Andover offered me some when I was visiting but she suggested I smell it first. After that, I politely declined. lol

Claire said...

Isabelle & leslie: I would agree that with marmite you either love it or hate there is nothing inbetween.