Monday, 22 June 2009

MONDAY 22ND JUNE -one Saturday afternoon

Saturday afternoon found me with my husband in Pydar Street near Boots just up the pedestrian street from the Cathedral rattling our collecting tins on behalf of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. It was quite fun watching all humanity go by and quite a few stopping to pop coins into our tins and have a few words. I do get pleasure from this type of activity both the people watching and also interacting with fellow inhabitants of this our mostly beautiful planet.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

A worthy cause. Love the new header photo.

Pam said...

Welcome back to blog land!

Leslie: said...

Gosh, it's been a while! Thx for dropping by - I'd love to show you my little island whenever. Lots been happening here so stay tuned for a big announcement this weekend. *wink*