Monday, 20 October 2008

MONDAY19TH OCTOBER - strange but wonderful recipes - Beetroot Brownies - 1st

P came home on Saturday after a cold wet morning on his sailing cruiser.

M came in hungry and wet late last night.

They both had a hot drink acccompanied by a piece of Brownie.

After all everyone loves the chocolatey richness is its collapses in your mouth and P and M were no different.
the secret ingredient was revealed as something they neither of them enjoy but once disguised and adding to the moist consistency they couldn't argue that it must be a positive contribution to this rather wonderful snack.
250 g good dark choc (melted)
250 g butter (melted)
250g caster sugar
3 free range eggs
150g S.R.flour
250g cooked and grated BEETROOT ( the secret ingredient!)
courtesy of Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall
Combine and cook in baking tray for 20 mins at 180C
Let it cool and then eat a small piece at a time - never guzzle but savour the flavour.

Monday, 13 October 2008

MONDAY 13TH OCTOBER - a beautiful autumn day - hidden cornwall 4

The weather was too good to stay indoors so we went out doors!

to Helston which is beyond our patch so we were exploring pastures new. It is about 20 miles from home and in a direction we don't often go.

We parked the car and walked and very quickly in front of us was this ruined mine head. It is the ruins of Castle Wray also known as Wheal Pool and was a silver/lead mine belonging to Helston Valley mine company in times long past.

This is the end wall of the engine house.

Engine house from the other side stains of smoke still very obvious.
Imagine the miners.

The boggy valley where there is a mineral track lost somewhere, where trucks used to carry the ore.
October 12th - 19 degrees centigrade - gorgeous -global warming? I think so, It is all so very wrong. A great walk but what is going on with our planet?

This is Cober Valley.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

SATURDAY 4TH OCTOBER - hedgerows bounty

There is a very cold wind today blowing rain up the valley and then beating it on the windows. It feels as if winter has arrived suddenly and without any preamble. I am just putting these photographs together and recalling last Sunday, yes just 6 days ago when we were in T-shirts gathering the beautiful, richly coloured, luscious juicy blackberries that have been quietly growing and now coming into their glory.
We found this lane not more than 2 miles from the house. The nearest habitation is Trelucky Farm so to us it is now known as Treluckey Lane seems to make sense. So armed with kilo size boxes we set to picking the fruit gathering scratches from the briars as we went.
Picking carefully trying not to fall as we stretched for the high ones which of course are the juiciest of all.
There are always huge clusters around field gates.

Just a few more then home to make the preserve.

We were pleased with the haul especially as now they would be waterlogged and so would we be if we were out there today. A good job done!